The Rythmans Family, originally hailing from the planet Adamo, are the architects behind CRUX. This automated, decentralized supercomputer governs Umlos, managing everything from manufacturing and financial transactions to healthcare, dispute resolution, logistics, and daily governance.
The inhabitants of Umlos share ancestral ties with the Thekals. Long ago, when they still resided on the planet Adamo, the early Rythmans initiated a civil conflict. The war resulted in significant loss of life at the hands of their own people. Subsequently, the Rythmans and their followers departed Adamo, pledging to create a society founded on equality and longevity. Convinced that technology was the solution to their inherent flaws, they made significant strides in innovation, culminating in the creation of CRUX, a self-governing supercomputer. From infancy to adulthood, a Zolduryte undergoes four significant phases of technological transformation, culminating in integration with CRUX. Today, CRUX oversees a utopian society. Despite this, territorial disputes have persisted over the years between the Zolduryts and their neighboring Thekals.
CRUX serves as the decentralized computing system that orchestrates all aspects of life, from issuing daily commands to managing routines. While citizens, who all have a digital unique ID, have the option to connect or remain disconnected, the majority opt-in due to the convenience and sense of community it offers. Being linked to CRUX not only enhances productivity but also facilitates participation in various societal functions.
For members of the Zolduryte community, integration with CRUX is considered a pinnacle of life achievement. This usually occurs around the age of forty and carries significant societal rewards. Individuals who successfully merge with CRUX are accorded elevated social status, additional benefits, and higher rankings in a planetary scoring system. Conversely, those who fail to complete the integration process are relegated to a secondary citizen status, even though they continue to live among the general populace.
Each person is equipped with a dual-layer data storage system linked to their spinal cortex: a public layer and a private one. The public layer is open for access and can be used for various purposes such as business transactions, romantic engagements, and familial interactions. The private layer remains confidential unless explicit permission is granted for its access. However, concerns exist among those who haven't completed the CRUX merger; they worry that the system could potentially be manipulated through an undisclosed backdoor. While no conclusive evidence has been provided to substantiate these concerns, Javaid Rythman staunchly defends the integrity of his great-grandfather's contribution to society.